I lost my file.

by Little Bear @27 ก.ค. 51 15:55 ( IP : 61...111 ) | Tags : สัพเพ-เหระ

Content in file class.paper.model.php was replace with content from class.paper.edit.php. I don't know what's happened. After save file I send it to server. So file in server was replace.

When I found it was error I undo to previous but it still error.

I close my editor and reopen file class.paper.model.php. It's has same content with class.paper.edit.php. I can't undo because it was closed.

So I completely lost my file.

Last chance it restore from backup on 2008-07-24 and re-fix bug that I already fixed again.

Hint : Don't close editor when do something mistake.

Sorry in poor English.

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