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How to reset a Kloxo or LxAdmin password from SSH

by Little Bear @10 มี.ค. 55 21:35 ( IP : 122...111 ) | Tags : Server , Kloxo , SSH

Kloxo admin password login:ง่าย ๆ คือ

sh /script/resetpassword master {newpassword}

หรือ ยาก ๆ

How to reset a Kloxo or LxAdmin password from SSH

When your VPS is installed by us with lxadmin the password will be the same as what you asked for on setup.

If not try "admin"

Note: if you reinstall yourself it will also be "admin"

If you still can't login:

Login via SSH

cd /usr/local/lxlabs/lxadmin/httpdocs

/usr/bin/lphp.exe  ../bin/common/resetpassword.php master

Now try your password again.

If you still can't get it to work, create a support ticket.

ที่มา LxCenter , ZanyHost Ltd

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